About Shoulder Innovations
Our Story

Shoulder Innovations began with the invention of the core technology – the InSet™ Glenoid
Significantly Reducing the Rocking Horse Effect
The rocking horse effect is where, as the humerus articulates, it both rotates and translates on the scapula. It is caused by pressure on the humerus, or the humerus pressures the scapula or the glenoid surface. As the humeral head moves back and forth, it creates a lifting effect on the side opposite the direction of where the humerus is moving–that’s called rocking horse.
Shoulder Innovations began when Dr. Steve Gunther invented the core technology–the InSet™ glenoid. At that time, Dr. Gunther was practicing in Northern California and identified that he had a problem to solve–relatively young, healthy individuals were dealing with a lot of shoulder pain which was being caused by severe arthritis.
The challenge with patients with severe arthritis at a young age is that the anatomy has changed, and the go-to procedure for that type of anatomy is the reverse shoulder arthroplasty. The problem with a reverse is that you have to take out the rotator cuff which really limits the activity level for a younger, healthy patient.
What Is The Advantage Of An Inset™ Glenoid?
The InSet™ glenoid technology provides the potential for a greater amount of mechanical stability between the implant and the bone. It specifically addresses the rocking horse effect.
Dr. Gunther invented this concept of insetting the glenoid implant into the bone of the scapula.

Creation Of Shoulder Innovations
Shoulder Innovations became a company and was founded in 2009, by Dr. Steve Gunther and venture capital firm EDF Ventures.
In 2014, EDF Ventures contacted Genesis Innovation Group and upon reviewing the technology and speaking with Dr. Gunther, the Genesis team became very excited about the technology and acquired a position in the company.
Shoulder Innovations fit perfectly with the innovative medical device development and commercialization models at Genesis.
Additionally, the team brought an extensive background in medical device development and commercialization, specifically in the shoulder space.
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