Shoulder Innovations Products
Glenoid Implants
The InSet™ Glenoid Implant was designed to be versatile and long-lasting glenoid implant.
The problems encountered with current total shoulder replacement models are based upon the fact that the glenoid sits on top of the bony surface. When the humerus translates and rotates on the surface of the implant it exerts rocking horse forces, on the edges of the implant. The Shoulder Innovations InSet™ Glenoid was designed to reduce these forces and subsequent loosening of the glenoid implant. The effects of Rocking Horse motion were addressed in the design with a variety of features. The result has been an 87% reduction in implant displacement when compared to a traditional onlay glenoid.

This Isn’t An Inlay or An Onlay Glenoid
A key attribute that allows for a reduction in displacement is in the mechanical interface of the InSet™ design at the circumference.
Much like a manhole cover, the InSet™ Glenoid sits inside a rim of hard, sclerotic bone that encompasses and supports the entire device 360 degrees at the very edge of the implant.

Bone Preservation
The InSet™ glenoid requires less volumetric bone removal than a standard curved back glenoid. This is especially true in the central position of the glenoid where, arguably, the best bone resides.
The reduction in bone volume can be attributed to the circular design of the reamer and glenoid as well as the flat back design.
The unique flat-backed design of the InSet™ which mills a flat surface utilizes the peripheral bone and requires a minimum depth of the pocket for implantation and rigid fixation.
The result is less bone removal, especially in the central region, which can be an advantage in a variety of applications such as the A2 or bowled glenoid.

Glenoid Implant Diameter Sizes
The uHMWPe InSet™ glenoid implant is available in five sizes.
- 20mm
- 22mm
- 24mm
- 27mm
- 30mm
Each size is offered in 6 and 8 mm thicknesses.

The InSet™ PLUS augmented glenoid offers surgeons the ability to dial the augment to the area of greatest defect.
The InSet™ PLUS was designed to offer additional correction of the glenoid as it allows for the combination of eccentric reaming with an additional 5 & 10 degrees of correction.
Like the standard InSet™ Glenoid, the InSet™ PLUS Augmented Glenoid has the same flat back design, which ensures 100% backside coverage and support.

Shorter Central Pegs
Another design goal for all InSet™ Glenoid is the flexibility to place the glenoid component within the vault in a variety of glenoid deformities with perforating the vault walls.
The InSet™ central peg is 8mm long, which is approximately 6 mm shorter than most onlay central pegged glenoid components.
The design allows the InSet™ glenoid to be placed in a variety of glenoid vaults with a variety of defects without perforating the posterior vault.

Familiar Surgical Technique
Once the surgeon reams the pocket in the glenoid, they can choose the desired degree of correction for the patient without having to perform additional preparation of the glenoid should they decide to go with less correction or more correction.
One key factor of the InSet™ PLUS component is that it is implanted with the same surgical technique as the standard neutral InSet glenoid. This gives a surgeon the ability to decide between a standard or augmented glenoid post-ream, with no additional step required.

Testing the InSet™ Plus Augmented Glenoid
The InSet™ PLUS glenoid underwent testing that mimicked the original standard glenoid.
The testing on the InSet PLUS demonstrated the same reduction in lift-off or displacement as the standard glenoid component.